Monday, 29 May 2017

Peter Ch'ng Clinic - Skin & Laser Specialist

Long time no see, Long long time no see........Has being invisible for almost 2 years and now I'm back. and I'm writing for the very famous Skin Dermatologist Dr.

Dr. Peter Ch’ng Wee Beng. Some of you may know him from Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur and now he has opened his own clinic located at Desa Parkcity, Plaza Arcadia. By the same time, he still has his own suite at Gleneagles Hospital KL. No worries, no worries, you guys can visit him here or there.

Other than Dr Peter him self, there's still another pretty and experience doctor here. She's Dr Loo Keng Shien and we are meeting her today 😊

 Okay, before we start going further, lets have a look around the clinic.

Peter Ch'ng clinic is actually along the main road of Plaza Arcadia, Desa Parkcity. Vert easy to spot πŸ‘

Inside the clinic

 Look very sleek, clean and comfortable

Very large and comfy waiting area. During the consultation or treatment, some of us will bring someone to accompany. Do not worry that they will be bored because there's a very large TV to keep them entertain and there's also a water dispenser placed at the waiting area. So, no need to bring your water tumbler along~

Full time mother life....going where also need to bring along this 2...Luckily, the staff here are very kind, they help me to look after my 2 little monster while I'm away for awhile.


1st thing to do.....Register....bring along your Identification Card please
2nd thing to do...CONSULTATION....sit down and talk to the experience doctor, what you need and they will give you their valuable advice.

To here we go

Sorry, the spot light are not on me this time..πŸ™…

My Mr Husband will be my model for this blogpost πŸ˜‚

After all the talking and consultating (took's around 10 to 15 minutes for my husband case)
The staff there will take a before procedure photo.


Guess what procedure we are going for???
We are going for the
Ablative CO2 Laser
which will laser off any lumps and bumps including skin tags and seborrheic keratosis.
Remember the picture i post previously? There's a staircase lead us to the upper level of the premise which all the treatment room's are.

2nd Floor

There's also a waiting area at the upper part of the clinic

If I'm not mistaken, there is 6 or 7 huge and spacious treatment room's up stairs. Each has their own equipment or machine placed inside and also 1 bed per room. Means that we don't need to share our room with other patience and wont be disturb by other patient or sound.

Without delaying, lets start the treatment.

I repeat again, my husband is taking the Ablative CO2 Laser which to remove some skin tag around his face and also neck.

It start off with the application of numbing cream, which will cut down the feeling of pain during the laser.

Let the cream stays for 30 to 45 minute

While waiting, let's poke the phone πŸ“± and me taking picture around πŸ“·

This is the machine where the doctor will use for my husband skin tag removal

And this tiny one are like vacuum, which is to suck away residue during the laser treatment.

Okay, the doctor came....Put on protective gear and here we go

Close Ups

The doctor will use their laser machine to target the tag that need to be removed. While removing, we will herd some *tack tack tack* noise and will smell a bit burnt.

The procedure took's quite a while since the doctor is removing the skin tag 1 by 1...It took's almost an hour to remove all the skin tag around my husband face and also neck (approx 20 to 50 tags the staff told me)

Some delicate places where the laser cant reach, such as under eye area, they will use a kind of chemical, to reduce and also remove very light and small tags and oil seeds.

After all the procedure is done, the staff will apply some Antibiotic ointment on the treatment area and its all done 😁

The biggest skin tag is removed ✌

The finishing result may be a little frightening, but my husband personally thinks the pain is bearable. Not that painful as it looks.

After the laser removal, some black dots (sign of burnt) will appear but they will dried off and drop in a week time (anyone who went through Aesthetic treatment before will know well)

After a week, your skin will feel smooth just like babies buttock, without lumps and bumps.

Since My husband just done the treatment, i still have no after procedure photo....Ill post up his after procedure photo by net week hopefully πŸ™

Anyone who wish to get consultation from them, please fix an appointment with them.

Peter Ch'ng Clinic - Skin & Laser Specialist
G-G-1 Plaza Arkadia, 3 Jalan Intisari Perdana
Desa Parkcity, 52200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 011-2288 2299
Consultation Hours:
Mon-Sat 10AM-6PM

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